
Help us in the fight to end corruption in our political process...

Help us in the fight to end corruption in our political process...

For decades, but particularly since the Citizens United decision, megadonors and lobbyists for special interests have exercised far too much influence within U.S. politics. Megadonors fund those who are the most likely to do legislative favors for the businesses and industries that are the sources of their wealth.

Sadly, America is on the verge of being a full-fledged plutocratic oligarchy: just look at the widening wealth gaps. The middle class, which was the guiding force in our democratic republic, no longer has much political influence.

Massive amounts of money are spent on American political campaigns. According to Open Secrets, an election finance watchdog, a record $6.5 billion was spent during the 2016 election cycle and it's clear our 2020 election cycle will see a new record in spending.

Political candidates are forced to spend a minimum of 5 hours per day raising campaign dollars, which doesn't leave them much time listening to anyone who can't contribute to their coffers in a significant way. There is no other word for this than corruption.

Recently we've seen megadonors get the ultimate payoff for their contributions via a tax plan and deregulatory programs. It's time to take back our power via anti-corruption legislation. Join us in the movement by helping us spread the word.

Now we know what the price is for American health and safety transparency...

Now we know what the price is for American health and safety transparency...

3 weeks ago, as New Orleans - and most of Louisiana - approached Mardi Gras weekend, when our social selves are even more social AND we invite millions of visitors to join us, Sen. Richard Burr was sharing, with his 6 figure donors, dire warnings of what our nation would soon be facing.

Well - at least now we know what it costs to get the truth and the protections which come with it, from our government.

New Orleanians Ask For An End To The Government Shutdown

New Orleanians Ask For An End To The Government Shutdown

President Trump visited our city and he was met with protesters demanding an end to the government shutdown.

Long before Donald Trump was elected as our 45th president, protests were becoming more of a regular occurrence. After Barack Obama's election, we regularly saw Tea Party members holding signs on street corners in cities across the country. Why are we taking to the streets? Why the need to chant loudly with a crowd and hold signs for all to see? Could it be because we know it's the only way we'll be heard by our government "representatives"?

We the people are becoming more and more aware that only giant monied interests are represented in our current political system. The current shutdown is another example. A definitive majority of Americans are against this shutdown - AND - the wall, yet we're being ignored. The claim by this administration? It's a national security issue and we need a "steel" wall. HMMM? Steel? Oh yeah, the steel industry was giant supporters of the GOP and Mr. Trump's campaigns. Terrorists come in through airports, not the Mexican border. If it was about National Security, we wouldn't leave those responsible for protecting our airport traffic unpaid, bitter, anxious, and angry.

SB185 - Let New Orleans Fix Their Own Gun Problems

SB185 - Let New Orleans Fix Their Own Gun Problems

"New Orleans has struggled with an epidemic of gun violence. New Orleans officials want to move forward with sorely needed solutions to gun violence but Louisiana state law bars its municipalities from enacting smart legislation for the people by the people. The hands of the New Orleans City Council and its mayor are tied."


New Orleans City Council Members